Nowhere Girl

Carnival is not a spectacle seen by the people; they live in it, and everyone participates because its very idea embraces all the people. (Mikhail Bakhtin)

Friday, February 03, 2006

Update on the Wuss Cat

OK, the Now Here girl has been nowhere girl, or some such. Sorry. [You have readers? -ed. Go ahead. Rub it in.]

Wuss Cat (whose formal name is Mr. Stormy Pants) has been scratching himself raw. Ear drops cleared the infection, but didn't stop the itching. The next step was a steroid injection, which slowly seems to be doing the job. We don't know yet how much hair will grow back in. No photos of Mr. Pants until he's photogenic again.

About my absence: I've been finishing up an part-time contract job, which is now finished, allowing me to migrate from "underemployed" back to "unemployed" and to go back to job-hunting again. The job market may be booming for some, but there are still some areas that definitely suck.

Anyway, not having my head embedded in a database means that I can think more about writing. Writing probably means posting more. Writing also means I need to get my butt in gear and work on the paper that I'm supposed to present at a conference in May. More on the paper soon, I hope.


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